Digital Skills Development

Employees must have basic digital skills in today's modern workplace — it's almost non-negotiable. Depending on the industry and company needs, some employees must build their digital skills to a more advanced level. 

But what are digital skills exactly? What counts as basic or advanced skills? How can you, as an employer, help your employees with digital skills development? 

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Phillip Carmichael
Podcast: Immersive Technologies for Learning with Destery Hildenbrand

In this episode of the “Become an IDOL” podcast, XR Solution Architect Destery Hildenbrand recalls his journey from graphic designer to XR Solution Architect and how he initially began his involvement with immersive technologies for learning, discussing several real-world examples of AR and VR for learning and why certain learning modalities are better suited for some scenarios than others.

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Phillip Carmichael, Jr.