Holy ****! Now What?

By Intellezy

March 16, 2020

An employee is feeling physically drained at work.

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Unpredictability has now become more of a norm than most companies would like. There’s exciting change, and then there’s unplanned, “what does this mean for us” change. As change leaders, it’s important for us to not only understand the change but communicate it effectively and impactfully to our teams.

Be Direct

We receive so many emails each and every day. Whether it’s work related or personal, the amount of information that gets delivered to us – wanted or not – is never ending. In a time of crisis, when employees need to receive specific information about their safety and well-being, we want to ensure that the message is not only read but internalized. To most effectively do this, messaging should be kept succinct and to the point. The 5 W’s (Who, What, When, Where, Why) should be clearly stated. Additional information can be referenced but the communication should convey a level of immediacy and importance and only include those details that are critical.

Use Multiple Platforms

The ways in which people receive and absorb information is numerous. Whether it’s word-of-mouth, email, social media, etc., there are multiple venues where critical information can be disseminated. We’ve all worked with people who (*cringe* – to each their own) have 1,000 unread emails. We can’t always be sure that our teammates receive information at the same time or in the same ways. Leveraging multiple communication channels, though it may seem redundant, increases the chance that the message will be received and understood.

Know What Tools Are Available

This needs to happen before a crisis occurs. Whether the crisis is project driven or external, leadership and employees need to know how to effectively use the communication tools available. If you’re trying to get messaging out using Teams, use it! Use it for all of your important messaging, whether it’s project status, shareholder updates – whatever. Use it so employees get comfortable going there to get the information they need, and leaders get comfortable posting and sharing relevant information. The last thing you want is to have a learning curve of knowledge when time is critical.

Understand How To Receive Acknowledgement

Once you’ve thought through all the ways in which employees receive information, how do you know that they’ve seen and received critical information? Is it a read receipt through Outlook, an acknowledgement through a social media site, a text? It’s not just enough to push information out and consider the job done. Leadership needs to know that employees understand the implications and have a) acknowledged it, b) understand what it means to them, and c) know where to go if they have additional questions. Depending on the size of your organization, this can be anything from sending a text back to your manager to posting a question on a shared site to dedicating a help desk. It’s critical to understand the situation surrounding the change, the resources involved, and what they might potentially need.

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